The foundation for a sustainable future - eFootprint/CLCD: an integrated data and software tool for LCA solutions and services.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) uses scientific methods to systematically assess the environmental impact of products or services. The key to success is using effective professional tools. The online WebLCA system provides carbon footprint data, tools, and platform systems such as eFootprint/CLCD. It features real-time cloud database updates, powerful internet functionalities for multiple user collaboration, and can be used for life cycle modeling and analysis of various industry products. It automatically generates LCA reports, supports product carbon footprints, water footprints, environmental footprints, etc., and is an essential tool for modern enterprises facing sustainable ESG challenges.
生命週期評估(LCA)使用科學方法步驟,來系統性的評估產品或服務對環境造成的衝擊;成功的關鍵在於使用有效的專業工具。線上生命週期評價(webLCA)系統,提供eFootprint/CLCD等碳足跡數據、工具、平台系統,具備雲端資料庫即時更新和多人協作的強大互聯網功能,可用於各類行業產品的生命週期建模、 計算分析、並自動生成 LCA 報告,支援產品碳足跡、水足跡、環境足跡等評價,是現代企業面臨永續ESG挑戰的必備工具。

WebLCA Tool Software
Launched by Asia's top university, Sichuan University, between 2006-2010. They introduced the first Chinese background LCA/carbon footprint database CLCD and the professional LCA software eBalance.
In 2009, they received the UNEP LCA Award. In 2013, they developed the world's first online LCA system eFootprint and supported the EU PEF guidelines.
In 2015, the world's first full-featured LCA online system based on the internet, eFootprint, was put into practical use, marking the global LCA's entry into the internet era. It is still the only large-scale applied LCA online system internationally and was officially designated by the UNEP for use in the 2017 and 2019 LCA Award competitions.
In 2020, they released an integrated one-stop SaaS service platform WebLCA and opened the database platform interface.
2009年聯合國環境署UNEP LCA Award,2013年開發了國際首個LCA在線系統eFootprint,參與支持歐盟PEF指南要求。
2015 年國際首個基於互聯網的全功能 LCA 在線系統 eFootprint投入實際應用,標誌著全球 LCA 進入互聯網時代。目前仍是國際上唯一大規模應用的LCA在線系統, 聯合國環境總署 UNEP 2017 和 2019 LCA Award 比賽官方指定使用的軟體和資料庫之一。
2020年發佈一站式集成SaaS服務平台WebLCA 並開放資料庫平台介面。
eFootprint/CLCD’s Extensive Collaboration and Services:
Broad Service Range: eFootprint/CLCD services hundreds of universities in the Asia and China regions, industry associations, authoritative certification institutions such as SGS, TUV Nord, Intertek, and other large consulting and certification service organizations. Furthermore, it caters to thousands of leading enterprises.
In 2023, the CJCHT Group, through its subsidiary Nanozeo Inc in Taiwan, introduced international supply chains. The expansion plan also includes collaboration with top domestic and international academic institutions and certification companies. These partnerships aim to deliver professional LCA training, model building, and open services for software/database platforms.
Features Highlights:
Comprehensive Carbon Management Solutions:(a). Custom Software Integration: Elevate your organization’s carbon management capabilities with our Custom Software, tailored to meet the unique integration and development needs of enterprises and research units, providing specialized interfaces that streamline workflows and foster innovation. (b). Advanced Database Access: Access a wealth of knowledge with our Advanced Database Add-ons, extending beyond the standard CLCD, ELCD and ecoinvent(public) databases to further include as desired to the ecoinvent (professional) datasets, ensuring a robust and integrated platform for all your carbon management needs, while addressing the critical issues of data authorization and collaboration in supply chain management.
Affordability: Entry level LCA report-based model:TWD 30,000 (or USD1,000)/3-reports/product; or Upgraded level calculation-based model: TWD 120,000 (or USD 4,000) per year that users can gain unlimited access to the carbon footprint database and modeling display values.
User-friendliness: Supports both Chinese and English.
Comprehensive Data: Integrates CLCD Asian supply chain manufacturing database and international databases like ecoinvent and the EU's ELCD.
Training: Offers diverse online and offline courses.
Support: Nearly a hundred internationally certified consulting firms provide support.
廣大的大中華圈服務系統:服務亞洲及中國地區數百家大學、行業協會、權威認證機構SGS、TUV Nord、Intertek等大型諮詢認證服務機構、上千家領先企業。
2023年由曦爵集團旗下台灣磁原科技公司(Nanozeo Inc)合作引進國際供應鏈,及攜手國內外一流學府及認證公司,進行LCA專業培訓、模型構建、軟件/資料庫平台開放服務。
費用最親民:入門-單次報告核算模型帳號:新台幣3萬元起(USD1,000)/3次報告/產品*(ecoinvent專業單條授權另計);或進階-通用模型帳號新台幣12萬元 (USD4,000)/產品/年@無限查詢碳足跡數據庫及建模顯示數值。*一年內完成建模,確定授權合約申請。
Introduced exclusively to Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region by the CJCHT Group from WebLCA (; Partnered with major academic institutions and financial foundations for LCA training. Aims to place Taiwan at the forefront of global sustainability trends and adapt to carbon border tax requirements.

Other Recommended Quality Software Tools:
Life Cycle Tool Software
Introduced by the Netherlands in 1990, SimaPro is a Life Cycle Assessment tool primarily designed for Windows systems. It facilitates evaluations for various green indicators such as carbon footprint, water footprint, and environmental footprint.
Database ecoinvent (Switzerland):
Encompasses over ten manufacturing categories with approximately 13,000 processes:
Agri-footprint (Netherlands) – Agricultural-related process database.
USLCI – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency inventory database.
Industry Data – Includes databases from the World Steel Association and other industrial processes.
EU&DK Input Output Database – Database for the EU and Denmark regions.
Environmental impact indicators included: Carbon footprint (IPCC 2021), Environmental footprint (EF3.0, including global warming, ozone layer, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation, water footprint), and other environmental impact assessment methods and indicators.
由荷蘭自 1990年開始推出的生命週期評估工具。主要為Windows系統專用程式,進行各項綠色指標評估,如:碳足跡、水足跡、環境足跡等。
Industry Data(含世界鋼鐵協會在內各類工業製程資料庫)
EU&DK Input Output Database(歐盟及丹麥地區資料庫)
搭載環境衝擊指標:含碳足跡(IPCC 2021)、環境足跡(EF3.0,內含地球暖化、臭氧層、酸化、優養化、光化學氧化、水足跡等環境衝擊指標)及其他共數十種環境衝擊評估方法與指標。

Life Cycle Tool Software
GaBi (Germany)
GaBi is an LCA software tool and also a Material Flow Analysis (MFA) software. It offers a visualization operating environment related to the process, foundational databases (LCI datasets) from various countries, and advanced features like scenario analysis. GaBi effectively supports carbon footprint calculations, EPD, Ecological Profile, and more. In addition to calculating carbon footprint, acid rain, ozone layer destruction, eutrophication, it can also add cost (LCC) and working environment (LCWE) based on the fundamental unit of material flow. This makes GaBi a sustainable product evaluation software that considers environmental, economic, and social aspects.
System Requirements: Windows 7 or higher.
GaBi 是一套 LCA 軟體工具,也是一套物質流分析 ( MFA ) 軟體,提供製程關聯的視覺化操作環境、各國基礎資料庫 ( LCI datasets )、及情境分析等進階功能,是協助碳足跡計算、EPD、Ecological Profile 等有效的軟體工具。除可計算碳足跡、酸雨、臭氧層破壞、優養化等環境衝擊外,另可隨物質流動基礎單位附加成本 ( LCC ) 與工作環境 ( LCWE ),而成為兼顧環境面、經濟面、與社會面的永續產品評估軟體。
系統需求:Windows 7或更高版本

Life Cycle Tool Software
Developed by GreenDelta, an independent sustainable development consulting and software company based in Berlin, Germany, openLCA is an open-source Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software introduced in 2006. It features a wide range of functionalities and diverse databases. Recommended by the U.S. government, its user base spans the academic sector, government agencies, and the corporate sector. Originally, openLCA was designed for modeling and calculation of environmental life cycle assessments, but it can also be extended for the life cycle assessments of products and economics.
openLCA is a standalone software that can operate without an internet connection. Currently, it supports operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux. Furthermore, openLCA can collaborate well with web-based database forms and connect with local databases to update data or models. This allows its widespread application in areas like carbon footprint, water footprint, Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Design for Environment (DfE).
Using openLCA, you can perform a complete LCA across Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, as it's a high-performance open-source LCA software. Data is at the heart of LCA, and openLCA provides a comprehensive collection of databases and datasets for widely available LCA software. Some can be purchased, while others are free. Databases can be searched on the U.S. government website (most are paid), and the South Korean government also collaborates with openLCA to construct a national-level LCA computation and database center.
openLCA是單機版軟體,在不連接網路之下亦可運作,目前支援的作業系統包含Windows、Mac和Linux。此外,openLCA亦可與web-based形態的資料庫良好的協作,並可與本機端的資料庫連結進行數據或模型的更新,使其可廣泛應用在碳足跡、水足跡、生命週期成本法(Life Cycle Costing;LCC)和環境設計(Design for Environment;DfE)等領域。
使用 openLCA,您可以跨 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 平台執行完整的 LCA,因為它也是一個高性能的開源 LCA 軟件。由於數據是 LCA 的核心,openLCA 為廣泛可用的 LCA 軟件提供了全面的數據庫和數據集集合;有些可以購買,有些是免費的。在美國政府網站可搜查一些數據庫來源(大部分要付費),韓國政府也和openLCA合作建構國家級LCA運算和數據庫中心。